Thursday, 9 December 2010

Wrap It Up!

Venue: Wrap It Up!
Food: Wraps – Burritos, fajitas, roti etc
Cost: £4-6
Rating: 67%

The latest player on the Soho wrap scene, the Wrap It Up! franchise cut its teeth in the City before moving westwards and landing in St. Annes Court with outlet number four. It certainly created a buzz with opening week discounts and successful free lunch day.

Much respect to franchise owner Faisal and his expansion tactics. They have found a good location, the brand itself is strong and Internet engagement encouraging, as was witnessed by the lengthy queue of bargain hunters seeking free feeding. Given this, there is surprisingly no current Twitter engagement. My question regarding this was met with bemusement by a member of staff, who asked me “What is Twitter?”…

As I often say, ultimately a wrap is a wrap. I like the idea behind 5 different nationalities of wrap under one roof and takeaway Fajitas are a relative rarity, but on the flip side Wrap It Up! lacks the specialisation of a Benito’s Hat or Yalla Yalla. A big positive is the tiered system of sizes and prices, so rarely found in takeaway establishments of this kind. I assume this is something designed to appeal to the female market, who do not wish to be confronted by a burrito accounting for half their body weight on a Tuesday lunchtime.

Sadly, despite having many virtues, the whole package did not quite come together.  Whilst the quality of ingredients is not in doubt, I have already experienced a Fajita and heard tale of a burrito that were not warmed through enough, while a Caribbean roti (with curried lamb) had a disappointing dough, but this may have possibly been a victim of speedy mass production on free lunch day. It is also currently quite a bleak establishment (décor wise) and lacking a little soul. 

Although I can optimistically overlook the negatives and am happy to allow time for improvement before a final conclusion, first impressions from my colleagues were not overwhelmingly positive. In short, a few small improvements might go a very long way indeed.

Taste 6
Portion size 8
Service 7
Speed 7
Originality 6
Choice 8
Workability 7
Office response 4
Value for money 6
Brand 8
Overall: 67%

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